Every day is Mother’s Day: Tribute to lifelong sacrifices and love

A sincere tribute to all mothers on Mother’s Day

By Shahnawaz Ahmad Ansari

Dedicated to my mother

Mother’s Day isn’t just a date on the calendar; it is a day that glows with countless emotions, each reflecting a unique aspect of the profound bond between a mother and her child.

Close your eyes. Imagine the hushed stillness of a starry night. A melody, soft as a whisper, caresses your ears. It’s a lullaby, a song of love sung by a voice that knows your soul. This, my friends, is the essence of motherhood – a connection that surpasses the physical, a bond woven from the very fabric of being. As Maya Angelou so eloquently described, “To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power.” A mother, a force both fierce and gentle, a storm of love that shapes our lives forever.

From the scientific lens, a mother is the first environment, the original ecosystem that nurtures a new life. Her heartbeat is the first music a child hears, her voice the first melody. Science tells us of the genetic legacy she bestows, of the traits and whispers of ancestors carried forward. But beyond chromosomes and DNA, there is an intangible inheritance—a legacy of love, resilience, and spirit.

Religiously, a mother’s value is immeasurable. Across religions and cultures, mothers hold a sacred space. In Hinduism, the Vedas depict the mother as a manifestation of the divine feminine – Durga, the protector, and Lakshmi, the bestower of prosperity. The Bhagavad Gita famously states, “Matru devo bhava (Revere your mother as God).

Buddhism speaks of a mother’s love as the closest thing to unconditional love, and Sikhism preaches respect and care for mothers as paramount. Similarly, Christianity reveres Mary, the mother of Jesus, as the epitome of maternal love and sacrifice. Islam emphasizes the importance of honouring one’s mother, with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) saying, “Paradise lies at the feet of mothers.” Every faith holds her in high esteem, for she is the creator of leaders, thinkers, and believers.

Moreover, religion is not the sole source of the mother’s significance. Everyone – philosophers, thinkers, scientists, poets, and litterateur geniuses across time have recognized her as the cornerstone of society. Mencius, the Chinese philosopher, believed, “The mother is the root, the son is the branch.”

John Locke, the English philosopher, wrote, “A child’s first place of learning is its mother’s lap.” Eminent poet – John Milton, in “Paradise Lost,” depicts mothers as symbols of comfort and security. William Shakespeare, in “King Henry V,” emphasizes a mother’s profound influence, and in “Romeo and Juliet,” he likens nature’s nurturing aspect of motherhood.

A mother’s love, however, defies definitions. It’s a symphony of countless acts, big and small. It’s the sleepless nights spent cradling a feverish child, the gentle hand that wipes away a tear, the unwavering belief that fuels a child’s dream. Mothers are chefs, and magicians transforming bland vegetables into culinary delights. They are cheerleaders, their loudest applause reserved for their child’s victories. They are confidantes, offering a safe harbour for whispered secrets and teenage angst.

Imagine the brilliance of Marie Curie, a mother who unravelled the secrets of radioactivity, cradling her child while conducting groundbreaking research. Her story shatters the myth that motherhood confines a woman to the walls of a home. It’s a testament to the boundless capacity of a mother’s spirit.

Great leaders, too, have acknowledged this profound influence. Abraham Lincoln, the towering figure who steered America through its darkest hour, credited his mother for his very success. Mahatma Gandhi said, “Mother is the child’s first teacher. The message she gives the child, the child gives to the world.”

Similarly, Napoleon Bonaparte, the emperor who reshaped Europe, believed the fate of a child was forever intertwined with the mother’s hand that guided it. He famously declared, “Give me an educated mother, I shall promise you the birth of a civilized, educated nation.” Mothers shape nations and history. These words paint a powerful picture – mothers as the architects, not just of families, but of entire societies.  

In India, mothers play a crucial role in shaping families, communities, and the nation. They teach important values like tolerance and compassion, which are vital for a strong democracy. Modern Indian mothers are not just homemakers; they are also professionals, breaking stereotypes and raising children who are both global and traditional.

Despite their many roles, mothers often sacrifice their own needs. They may eat cold meals, delay their dreams, or pause their careers, all for their families. These sacrifices are the unseen part of motherhood.

A mother is not just a woman who gives birth. She is the architect of life, the builder of dreams, the unwavering pillar of strength, and the fount of unconditional love. She is the very essence of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” – the world is one family. And in her selfless love lies the potential to create a world filled with compassion, empathy, and understanding. Let us strive to be worthy of this love, let us honour the mothers who have made us who we are, and let us carry forward the legacy of their love to build a brighter future for generations to come.   

This Mother’s Day, let us take a moment to acknowledge the immensity of this role. Let us celebrate the mothers who make us who we are. Let us not wait for a designated day to express our love and gratitude. Let us remember the countless, silent sacrifices they make, the unwavering faith they hold in us, and the unconditional love that shapes our lives. Let us shower them with affection, not just today, but every day. Let us pledge to recognize the divine in every mother’s heart, to see the messiah in her actions, and to follow the path of goodness she has laid before us. For in doing so, we honour not just our mothers, but the very essence of humanity itself.

From outcast to architect: Remembering the legacy of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar

By Shahnawaz Ahmad Ansari

Dr B R Ambedkar: Timeless Legacy Continues

April 14th marks the birth anniversary of one of the great sons of India, Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, a man whose life and legacy are woven into the very fabric of our nation, whose life journey resonates deeply with the struggles and triumphs of the underprivileged sections of society. His indomitable spirit and relentless struggle against social discrimination and inequality have left an indelible mark on Indian society. Beyond being a day of remembrance, Dr. Ambedkar Jayanti serves as a platform to propagate his messages of equality, justice, and empowerment to the masses.

With a visionary zeal that spanned decades, Dr. Ambedkar relentlessly fought against discrimination to shape a more equitable and just society for all. He wasn’t just a politician or a scholar; he was a revolutionary, a messiah for the hated, and the architect of a modern, inclusive India.

His story is a testament to the unwavering human spirit in the face of immense adversity. Born into a Dalit family on April 14, 1891, in the Mhow Army Cantonment, Central Provinces (present-day Madhya Pradesh) disliked by the caste system, Dr. Ambedkar’s early life was a constant battle against prejudice, marked by discrimination, segregation, and untouchability due to his family’s low caste status. Segregation wasn’t just social; it permeated his education. He was forced to sit outside classrooms, denied access to drinking water from common wells and hated by his peers. Yet, his thirst for knowledge remained unquenched. Despite these challenges, he embarked on an academic journey that would shape his destiny and the destiny of millions.

He devoured books under flickering lamplight, his determination fuelled by a burning desire to break free from the shackles of his birth. Education became his weapon. He scaled academic heights, earning doctorates from prestigious universities abroad. But his triumphs were personal victories in a system that continued to discriminate. His brilliance couldn’t shield him from the sting of untouchability.

Dr. Ambedkar dedicated his life to dismantling the caste system and empowering the downtrodden. He championed the cause of the Dalits, then referred to as “untouchables.” He fought tirelessly for their rights, organizing protests, advocating for social reforms, and even burning copies of Manu Smriti, a text that sanctioned caste discrimination.

His greatest contribution, however, lies in the Indian Constitution. As the chairman of the drafting committee, Dr. Ambedkar played a pivotal role in crafting the document that defines the soul of our nation. The Constitution, with its emphasis on equality, liberty, and fraternity, became a guiding light of hope for millions marginalized by the caste system.

Dr. Ambedkar wasn’t just concerned with social justice; he was a staunch advocate for women’s empowerment. He believed that true social progress could only be achieved when women were educated and empowered. He championed their right to education and inheritance, paving the way for a more equitable society.

His vision surpassed religious boundaries. A fierce critic of blind faith, Dr. Ambedkar embraced Buddhism, seeking refuge in a religion that emphasized reason and equality. This decision reflected his secular outlook, a stark contrast to the religious divides plaguing India today.

Dr. Ambedkar wouldn’t shy away from criticizing the current state of affairs. He, who fought tirelessly to protect the Constitution, would be deeply troubled by attempts to alter its core principles. His soul would ache for a nation teetering on the edge of religious and social discord.

Were he alive today, Dr. Ambedkar wouldn’t advocate for violence or division. He would, with his characteristic eloquence, urge us to return to the core principles enshrined in the Constitution. He would remind us of the dream of an India where caste, religion, or birthplace don’t define one’s destiny.

Dr. Ambedkar’s vision for India remains incomplete. While reservations have uplifted many Dalits, millions still face discrimination. Educational opportunities haven’t reached every corner of the country.

Dr. Ambedkar’s message to us is clear: The fight for equality is an ongoing struggle. We must work together, across castes, religions, and social strata, to realize his dream of a truly inclusive India. His legacy isn’t confined to history books; it’s a call to action, a reminder that a just and equitable society is a work in progress, a dream we must collectively pursue.

On this auspicious day, let us rekindle the spirit of Dr.  Ambedkar, a guiding light in the quest for a more inclusive, just, and compassionate India. His life’s work serves as a beacon of hope, urging us to uphold the values of equality, secularism, and social harmony that define our nation’s identity.

Let us march forward, carrying the torch of Dr. Ambedkar’s vision, towards a future where every individual is valued, every voice heard, and every dream realized – for he, indeed, remains the messiah of modern India, a champion of the oppressed, and a harbinger of change. 

Let us honour Dr. Ambedkar not just with speeches and parades, but by actively dismantling the walls of prejudice and discrimination. Let us build an India where every citizen, regardless of background, can reach their full potential. This is the truest tribute we can pay to the man who drafted a dream.

Embracing the Timeless Wisdom: A Reverent Tribute to My Father’s Dual Legacy on His 5th Memorial Anniversary

By Shahnawaz Ahmad Ansari

In the embrace of memories, celebrating the enduring wisdom of my beloved father on his 5th memorial.

In the intricate journey of life, woven with threads of joy and sorrow, there exist moments that stand as enduring pillars of wisdom and guidance. Today, as I pen down this tribute on the fifth anniversary of my father’s passing, I find solace in the memories that resonate with his timeless TWO-FOLD statement: “1. STRIVE TO BE A GOOD HUMAN; 2. ALWAYS SEEK HAPPINESS, REGARDLESS OF CIRCUMSTANCE.” These words transcend mere aphorisms; they are guiding lights that navigate me through life’s turbulent waters. When I share these profound statements with others, I am met with nods of acknowledgement – a testament to the intellectual legacy my father left behind.

A Fateful Winter Day

It was the chilling winter of December 24, 2018, when destiny took an unexpected turn. My father (Dr Jalil Ahmad Ansari), a man of simplicity, gentleness, and sagacity, embarked on his heavenly abode. After offering his afternoon prayer, having lunch, and strolling the path he loved alongside the trees he nurtured, little did we know that his earthly chapter would abruptly close, just 50 meters away from his cherished horticulture plot. A collision (accident) with an unknown vehicle, witnessed by none, marked the sudden end of his earthly sojourn, ushering him into the realms of eternity.

A seasoned physician and a devotee of the Hippocratic oath, my father departed unexpectedly, catching us in the unprepared grip of sorrow, and leaving behind a legacy of kindness and wisdom. His presence was more than a mere physical form; it was a guiding force that shielded us from life’s adversities. As the years pass, the void left by his departure becomes increasingly apparent. For five years, his absence has been a palpable ache, underlining the irreplaceable role he played in our lives.

In the quiet strength of his taciturn nature, my father imparted lessons that transcend time. His economy of words held profound messages, and concealed a depth of thought; each sentence was a treasure trove of wisdom, akin to a page in the book of life. His legacy transcends the temporal, manifesting in the lessons he imparted and the principles he lived by. An advocate of simplicity, sobriety, gentleness, and sagacity, he was a revered figure in the eyes of those who crossed his path.

As his dearest lad, he often asserted that I carry forward the traits of my late grandfather – a man of illustrious character and a polymath of varied wisdom. I don’t know how much I inherit from my ICONIC GRANDFATHER, but if it turns out to be 1%, it would be a wonderful gift to me for my worldly being.

The Path to Mediocrity and Perseverance

He was more than a father. Through his teachings, my father illuminated the path to mediocrity and perseverance. He would counsel in the face of adversity, “When you suffer from an inferiority complex, look at those who find happiness with fewer resources than you. Strive to surpass those around you, but don’t succumb to disappointment due to limited resources.” His lessons transcend the mundane, offering solace and strength in adversity.

Even in his absence, the resonance of his wisdom lingers. As the custodian of our family’s history, his ancestral pride and storytelling of our clan’s history painted a vivid picture of our roots. As I strive to follow in his footsteps amidst the challenges of materialism, I hold dear his two-fold statement as an epic guiding my way – to be a good human and to find happiness in all circumstances.

Now, FIVE YEARS since his departure, I find myself yearning for the reassuring presence of his wisdom. My father, a man of high intellect and wisdom, understood the reality of life, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those fortunate enough to know him. His teachings resonate in every decision I make. His memory is not a faded photograph but a vibrant mural that continues to inspire and shape my journey.

A Tribute Beyond Time

This tribute is more than words on a page; it’s an ode to a father who, even in death, remains an inspiration. As I navigate the complexities of life, I carry forward his legacy of being a good human and finding happiness in every circumstance. May this tribute stand as a testament to the enduring spirit of a father’s love and wisdom, eternally alive in the hearts of those he touched. As I navigate the complexities of existence, I carry his two-fold mantra like a cherished heirloom, a testament to a father’s enduring impact on his son’s soul.


As a fond admirer of poetry, I wish to present my tribute in the form of poetry as well. My couplets are below for your reading:

Revered Tribute: Dad’s Fifth Memorial Wisdom

In the journey of life, a tale unfolds,

Of a father’s legacy, in memories, it holds.

On this fifth anniversary, we gather near,

To honour a man, we still hold dear.

A collision of fate, a bitter decree,

Took him away, just 50 meters from glee.

In simplicity, gentleness, and sagacity, he reigned,

Leaving us in a world forever changed.

A physician by trade, a sage by heart,

He departed abruptly; life’s script was torn apart.

His wisdom, an inspiration in the darkest of nights,

Guiding us through life’s tumultuous heights.

In quiet strength, his lessons were told,

A treasury of wisdom, more precious than gold.

Economy of words, yet profound depth,

Each sentence was a gem, wisdom-bound.

More than a father, a guiding force,

His absence, a void, an enduring remorse.

“Carry forward,” he said, “your grandfather’s grace,

Inherit his character, let wisdom embrace.”

An iconic grandfather, a polymath divine,

A lineage of wisdom, an inheritance so fine.

Through adversity’s gaze, he taught us to see,

Happiness is not in wealth but in humility.

His words echo still, in the silence profound,

A melody of solace, an enduring sound.

Five years hence, the ache remains,

His wisdom is a balm for lingering pains.

An indelible mark on life’s fleeting stage,

A legacy of love, an eternal homage.

In every decision, his presence is near,

An ancestral pride whispered in the ear.

A mural vibrant, not a faded trace,

A father’s love, time cannot erase.

This tribute, not just words on a page,

An ode to a father, wisdom’s sage.

In death, he inspires, in life, he lives,

A testament to the love he gives.

As I journey through life’s complex maze,

His two-fold mantra, like a beacon, stays.

To be a good human, seek joy at every chance,

In the rhythm of existence, a father’s eternal stance.

Deshratan Dr Rajendra Prasad: India’s First President and Unsung Bharat Ratna

By Shahnawaz Ahmad Ansari

As the autumnal breeze gracefully sweeps through the quaint village of Ziradei in Siwan, Bihar, heralding another December 3rd, the air becomes laden with the weight of history and the echoes of a forgotten hero. Dr Rajendra Prasad, affectionately known and remembered as ‘Rajendra Babu’ in his native land, was not merely the first President of independent India; he was a luminary whose brilliance illuminated the darkest corners of our nation’s struggle for freedom.

As I sit down to pen my thoughts on this momentous occasion, the 3rd of December, the birthday of a man who not only shaped the destiny of our nation but also left an indelible mark on the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to know him, I am filled with a deep sense of responsibility and nostalgia.

Born on December 3, 1884, to Mahadev Sahai, Dr Prasad’s early life in Ziradei was a testament to simplicity and communal harmony. His upbringing in a joint family, playing ‘Kabaddi’ with friends of different faiths, laid the foundation for a man deeply connected to the values of unity and diversity. As the youngest in the family, his love for his mother and elder brother Mahendra shaped his character, forging an unbreakable bond with his roots.

A brilliant student, Dr Prasad’s journey to academic excellence faced an early test of patriotism. Awarded a scholarship of Rs.30/month after standing first in the University of Calcutta’s entrance examination, he was called by Gopal Krishna Gokhale to join the Servants of India Society. The duty-bound young man, torn between family, education, and the call for national service, eventually declined Gokhale’s invitation, setting the stage for a lifetime of unwavering commitment.

His academic journey, marked by triumphs and trials, led him to the prestigious Calcutta Presidency College in 1902. Ironically, his scholarship became a test of patriotism, and he faced a decline in academic performance after refusing Gokhale’s offer. However, Dr Prasad’s resilience prevailed, and in 1915, he earned a gold medal in the Master in Law examination, followed by a Doctorate in Law.

The turning point in his life came when Gandhiji summoned him to Champaran, Bihar during the freedom struggle. Witnessing Gandhiji’s dedication, conviction, and courage, Dr Prasad pledged to contribute his skills as a lawyer and an enthusiastic volunteer. Gandhiji’s influence reshaped his views on caste and untouchability, inspiring him to simplify his life and actively participate in relief work during floods, earthquakes, and other calamities.

Dr Prasad’s role in the non-cooperation movement in Bihar showcased his leadership and organizational skills. Establishing a National College and advocating for the use of khadi, he played a pivotal role in bringing the mighty British Raj to a grinding halt. The movement, though marred by the events in Chauri Chaura, showcased his unwavering support for Gandhiji’s non-violent principles.

Elected as the President of the Indian National Congress in 1939, Dr Prasad worked tirelessly to bridge ideological gaps within the party. His tenure witnessed the growing shadow of communalism, culminating in the painful reality of partition. As the Constituent Assembly’s President in 1946, he played a pivotal role in framing the Constitution of independent India.

Dr Prasad’s role in the drafting of the Indian Constitution reflected not only his legal acumen but also his unwavering commitment to justice and equality. As we navigate the complexities of contemporary society, we would do well to revisit his insights, seeking inspiration from a leader who envisioned a nation where every citizen had an equal stake. His thoughts on social justice were ahead of his time. He believed in an inclusive society where the fruits of progress reached every stratum.

Moreover, Dr Prasad’s qualities as a scholar and a man of unshakeable principles often take a backseat in our recollections. His commitment to education and his vision for the country’s intellectual development were unparalleled. In an era where simplicity is often mistaken for naivety, Dr Prasad’s life stands as a testament to the profound impact one can have without forsaking humility.

While we marvel at his contributions to the freedom movement and his role in shaping the constitutional framework, it is equally important to acknowledge Dr Prasad’s post-independence efforts towards national development. His tenure as President saw him championing the cause of agrarian reform and rural development, recognizing the importance of uplifting the masses from the grassroots.

A visionary in the truest sense, he articulated thoughts on education that resonate even today. “The true basis of education is not merely the training of the mind but the discipline of character,” he once remarked. In a world increasingly obsessed with academic prowess, these words serve as a poignant reminder that education without character is a ship without a compass.

In the cacophony of today’s political discourse, Dr Prasad’s statesmanship provides a refreshing contrast. He was a leader who transcended party lines, focusing on the greater good rather than partisan gains. His ability to unite diverse voices for a common cause is a lesson that our current leaders would do well to learn from.

As we pay tribute to this luminary on his birthday, it is imperative to ponder why his memory has faded from public consciousness. Have we, as a society, become so consumed by the present that we forget the architects of our past? Dr Prasad’s humility, and his commitment to the values that define the soul of our nation, should serve as a guiding light for generations to come.

Moreover, it’s disheartening to note that the birthplace of India’s first President, Ziradei in Siwan, Bihar, has been overlooked in terms of modern amenities, infrastructural development, and education. Dr Prasad, an eminent educationist, inspired the entire nation towards achieving educational excellence. However, his native place lacks the institutions that reflect his vision for quality education. It’s a reminder that while celebrating his legacy, we must also address the disparity in the holistic development of his birthplace.

As we remember Bharat Ratna and Deshratan Dr Rajendra Prasad on his birthday, let us not consign him to the annals of forgotten heroes. The simplicity, integrity, and dedication that defined his life are virtues that resonate even today. His legacy serves as a timeless guidepost for a nation navigating the complexities of the present and aspiring towards a brighter future.

In honour of Deshratan Dr Rajendra Prasad, let his story inspire us to uphold the values of unity, education, and humility. As we look back at the tapestry of our history woven by this unsung hero, let us strive to make his legacy a living testament, ensuring that no corner of our nation is left untouched by progress and enlightenment. In embracing the spirit of Dr Prasad, may we forge a path towards a future where every citizen becomes a beacon of change, contributing to the collective brilliance that defines our great nation.

Author’s Note:

I, Shahnawaz Ahmad Ansari, find a profound warmth in the tapestry of shared familial history. The echoes of Dr Rajendra Prasad’s visits to my late grandfather’s (M A Rahim) residence, and the enduring solidarity between our families in Ziradei, Siwan, Bihar, impart a deeply personal nuance to this homage. May the indelible memory of Deshratan persist as an eternal fount of inspiration, fostering generations to come and giving rise to luminaries akin to Bharat Ratna, transcending the constraints of time and space.

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam: ‘Ratna of Bharat’ Inspiring the Dream of a Knowledge Society in a Brighter India

By Shahnawaz Ahmad Ansari

Today, we commemorate the illustrious life of a paragon of diligence, determination, and dedication – Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. His legacy reverberates across the annals of time and space, celebrated as the People’s President, revered as the architect of India’s missile technology, and globally honoured as the ‘Missile Man.’ Dr. Kalam was a visionary and an embodiment of integrity, and his life serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit of resilience, passion, and unyielding patriotism. Today, we honour his life and legacy, recognizing that he was more than just a president – he was a ‘Ratna of Bharat,’ a true gem of India.

Born into humble beginnings, Dr. Kalam charted a course that would inspire generations. He wore many hats, from scientist to educational reformer, advocate of humanity and communal harmony, writer, poet, and, above all, a visionary dedicated to a brighter future for India. He carved out a unique place for himself, leaving behind a lasting impression and a roadmap for those who aspire to change the world.

India swells with pride as the world celebrates ‘Bharat Ratna’ Dr. APJ Kalam’s legacy. The United Nations marked the 15th of October, Dr. Kalam’s birthday, as World Students’ Day in 2010. This distinction was given to honour the former Indian President (2002 – 2007) and to acknowledge his enduring contributions towards education and students. Each year on World Students’ Day, the United Nations selects a theme to encapsulate the occasion. The theme chosen for 2023 is profoundly thought-provoking – “If you fail, never give up because F.A.I.L. implies ‘First Attempt In Learning.’”

A Unique Perspective on Life and a Strong Nation

Dr. Kalam’s life was a living embodiment of his philosophy, meticulously carved from life’s trials. He famously said, “Excellence is a continuous process and not an accident,” reflecting on his arduous journey from Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, to the esteemed Rashtrapati Bhavan. He persevered, steadfast in his belief that “Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success.” His life was not built on borrowed wisdom or ideas. He lived and breathed his philosophy, which withstood the test of time. His actions spoke louder than his words, and his commitment to excellence was unwavering.

Always reaching for the stars, Dr. Kalam’s vision for India was as boundless as the universe. He once remarked, “Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only for those who dream and work.” His optimistic spirit and faith in the power of dreams made him the beacon of hope and inspiration for numerous.

Dr. Kalam viewed life through a unique lens. He asserted, “Life is a difficult game. You can win it only by retaining your birthright to be a person.” To him, being a person meant possessing character, quality, and courage. It meant charting new paths and surmounting obstacles. “Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success,” he wisely noted.

Promoting an integrative approach to nation-building, Dr. Kalam firmly believed that a corruption-free nation, blossoming into a hub of beautiful minds, could be achieved through collective efforts. His emphasis on the trinity – the father, the mother, and the teacher – conveyed a powerful message to society. The responsibility for the nation’s upliftment rested on the shoulders of these figures. This harmonious blend of societal individuals could sow the valuable seeds of proactive change, leading to a prosperous India, embodying Dr. Kalam’s dream.

Current Challenges: Erosion of Values in Education and Dr. Kalam’s Wisdom

Today, India faces economic and cultural challenges. The economy is in a precarious state, and there’s a rise in hate crimes targeting specific communities. Dr. Kalam’s words seem like a reflection of our current reality. “We will be remembered only if we give our younger generation a prosperous and safe India, resulting from economic prosperity and the preservation of our civilisational heritage,” he had said. It’s a stark reminder of the work that lies ahead.

Dr. Kalam’s concerns about the fate of the educational system in India underline his relentless pursuit of nurturing a generation armed with knowledge and innovation. He voiced his concern about the commercialization of education, advocating a system that fosters the spirit of inquiry, creativity, and moral leadership. He desired an educational framework that produced not mere degree-holders, but capable and virtuous citizens of the nation who could lead and inspire.

Honouring Motherhood and Vision for a Knowledge Society

In his journey, Dr. Kalam never forgot the importance of a mother’s love and sacrifice. His words add a unique dimension to the universal truth that a mother’s love is unparalleled. Beyond his scientific and intellectual achievements, he was a devoted son who penned a heartfelt poem in his book “Wings of Fire” titled “Mother.” This poem takes readers on an emotional journey through his early experiences. Despite being a revered figure and a Bharat Ratna laureate, he remained a humble son, deeply rooted in his familial values and adoration for his mother’s fathomless affection.

In the literary world, his riveting books stand testimony to his profound insights and visions. Titles like “Wings of Fire,” “Ignited Minds,” and “India 2020” weave more than just narratives; they are repositories of his dreams for India and serve as guideposts for those seeking inspiration.

A tribute to Dr. Kalam can be better offered by embracing his doctrine of making India a ‘Knowledge Society.’ The real homage lies not in remembrances but in carrying forward his dream of a prosperous and educated India. That’s the India he envisioned and strived for tirelessly, even on his last day while addressing the young minds at IIM Shillong.

Takeaways from Dr. Kalam’s Illustrative Journey from Womb to Tomb

Dr. Kalam seamlessly merged science with social responsibility. As the country’s 11th president, he exemplified servant leadership and focused on transforming India into a developed nation. His birthday is a moment to reflect on his message. “Greatness is a blend of sagacity and tenaciousness,” he reminded us. It doesn’t happen overnight but is the result of diligence, determination, and dedication. He started as a ‘MAN’ and ended as a ‘GREAT MAN’ through unwavering commitment.

“Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow,” he urged. This sacrifice points to the creation of a ‘Knowledge Society,’ a society built on cooperation, love, solidarity, and universal brotherhood. Education, he believed, was the only weapon to defeat poverty and prejudice and build a better future.

We remember the ‘Ratna of Bharat’ on his 92nd birthday, each one of us striving to uphold and further his vision and legacy. We pay homage to this man of great stature, whose life, work, and words left an indelible mark on India and the world beyond. Let us pledge to make Kalam’s dream of India as a ‘Knowledge Society’ a reality, and strive to see a rebirth of his spirit in India’s progress. As we solemnly remember him, we say, “Dr Kalam lives on in the sanctum of every Indian’s heart!”

Soulful Connections: A Symphony of Friendship

Celebrating Friendship Day in Soulful Symphony

Happy Friendship Day

By Shahnawaz Ahmad Ansari

In a world where shadows loom,

Amidst life’s joys and woes,

Friendship blooms in a sacred room,

Where souls find sweet repose.

Prophets wise from days of yore,

Shared thoughts on this grand theme,

They did implore love and care.

A beacon in life’s stream.

Buddha spoke of compassion’s might,

In friendships, hearts ignite,

Kindness is woven, shining bright,

Harmony, the path of light.

From Jesus, words of love divine,

Healing touch, hearts align,

Through friendships, grace does shine,

In unity, souls entwine.

Mohammad’s call to brotherhood,

In friendships, understood,

All hearts linked, as they should,

In peace, the world withstood.

In temples, mosques, and churches,

Views on friendship’s art,

A thread that binds across the land,

A balm for every heart.

Amidst friendship’s embrace, faiths dissolve,

No creed or dogma to revolve.

Hearts entwined, spirits align,

For love transcends all that’s divine.

Great men of old, with profound wisdom,

Their voices did resound,

On friendship’s bond, they expound,

A treasure truly found.

Friendship’s shades, diverse and vast,

A rainbow’s myriad hues cast,

From social ties to love that lasts,

Every tint is true and fast.

Emotions shared, both joy and pain,

In friendships, solace is found,

A refuge from life’s pouring rain,

On love’s hallowed ground.

Respect, a cornerstone to lay,

For differences to embrace,

In friendships’ light, they’ll sway,

With unity and grace.

From personal to professional domains,

Friendships weave a thread,

A tapestry, a vibrant skein,

On each path, they tread.

Loyalty’s embrace, unwavering, true,

Unconditional love, a sacred view.

Shared interests like stars align,

In laughter’s dance, our spirits combine.

Open communication, and words unbound,

A healing balm where understanding is found.

Forgiveness weaves threads of grace,

Mending hearts in friendship’s embrace.

Autonomy granted, freedom to be,

In friendships’ realm, hearts soar, hearts see.

Non-transactional, no debts to pay,

Just love and care, day by day.

Time and effort, which we gladly spend,

With friendship’s touch, our souls ascend.

In non-competition, we find peace,

United in love, all hatred must cease.

Memories etched in hearts ever-last,

Moments cherished, present and past.

Dependable souls, through thick and thin,

In friendship’s sanctuary, we heal and win.

Empowerment blooms in friendship’s glow,

Kindness and support, as rivers flow.

Freedom to be oneself, no pretence,

In acceptance, we find recompense.

In this material world’s unrest,

Amidst selfish interest’s race,

Friendship stands above the rest,

A beacon of love and grace.

So, let’s celebrate this sacred tie,

On this Friendship Day grand,

With open hearts, let love defy,

Across each distant strand.

NOTE: To my dear friends, on this special day of friendship, I offer my heartfelt ode. Through the swing of time, you’ve adorned my life with laughter, love, and unwavering support. With each shared moment, our souls have woven soulful connections into a symphony of cherished memories. Your presence, a beacon of light, has guided me through life’s trials and triumphs. In the realm of friendship, distance cannot dim the radiance of our bond. With gratitude and love, I dedicate this poem to all of you, my truest companions, for you are the stars that illuminate my universe.

Beyond Beliefs: Unleashing the Power of Humanity for Lasting Goodness

By Shahnawaz Ahmad Ansari

In a world filled with religious barriers, the essence of goodness often finds itself entangled in dogmas that restrict its true potential. As we navigate through the complexities of religious beliefs, we must question whether being a good and kind human necessitates religious adherence or if other, more profound attributes transcend such boundaries. Let’s critically examine and try to unravel the role of religion in shaping human goodness and explore the essential attributes that foster a compassionate and harmonious society, where universal brotherhood thrives.

Religion’s Role in Being a Good Human

Religion has served as a guiding force, instilling moral principles and values for many individuals. However, we venture into a compelling question – does goodness solely emanate from religious doctrines? The power of goodness cannot be confined to mere adherence; instead, it flourishes with the tool of neutrality, which harbours impartiality, immensurability, and integrity of boundless degrees.

Attributes Beyond Religion for Human Goodness

Going beyond religious affiliations, we discover fundamental attributes at the core of a good human being. Empathy, kindness, compassion, and integrity form the bedrock of human goodness. The seed of goodness is sown long before religious consciousness emerges; every child transcends religious boundaries, embodying the attributes of their parents.

Embracing Humanity: The Path to Goodness

To be truly good, one must embrace humanity as a whole. Embracing our shared human experience breaks down barriers of prejudice, fostering a deep sense of interconnectedness. In moments of need, religious labels fade away, and the goodness within propels individuals to lend a helping hand without hesitation.

Fostering Peace and Amity: Key Attributes for Society

In building a peaceful and amicable society, certain attributes take precedence. Tolerance, understanding, and respect for diversity pave the way for harmonious coexistence. In fostering peace and amity, goodness assumes the central role, transcending any rigid principles, and becoming the essence of collective cohesion.

The Primacy of Human Virtues Over Religious Identity

Religion can offer moral guidance, but it is the embodiment of human virtues that truly defines goodness. Humanistic values such as empathy and benevolence hold greater potency in fostering a compassionate society. Kindness and compassion, not religious austerity, sustain a society thriving with fidelity.

Achieving Universal Brotherhood: Transcending Divides

Universal brotherhood shatters the barriers of caste, creed, and religion, making it vital for humanity’s advancement. Cultivating shared values and mutual understanding unites us beyond religious boundaries. Humility and kindness leave indelible impressions, defining one’s identity as a human above all else.

Embracing Diversity in India: The Path to Amity

India’s unique cultural heritage – ‘Unity in Diversity’ – sets her apart in the global landscape. While diversity serves as a source of strength, it poses challenges in maintaining amity and respect for one another. Inculcating goodness that transcends religious adherence offers a solution, paving the way for a harmonious society.

Insights and Reflections

As we reflect on the endless discussion over goodness beyond religion, one truth emerges resoundingly clear: the virtues of humanity shine brighter than rigid religious beliefs in defining a good and kind human. Religion may inspire moral values, but it is empathy, compassion, and respect for humanity that propel us towards a harmonious and loving society. Embracing the universal goodness within each of us, let us liberate it from the shackles of religious barriers and shape an ideal society where ‘GOODNESS-DRIVEN-HUMANITY’ prevails, laying the foundation for a world where humanity stands above all else.

My Didactic Dad | Father’s Day 2022

By Shahnawaz Ahmad Ansari


Father is an aroma of our existence, an invisible shield who protects us subliminally! He is a kind of roof of the house where his children dwell! A father is a philosopher, guide and a pathfinder for his children! The degree of Dad’s affection has been unexplored yet! His blessings have mesmerising repercussions on the holistic well-being of his children! I am spoilt for the choice of words as my words are turning puny to describe the real characteristics and untamable significance of the presence of a father in one’s life. Fathers are the framework of our unframed lives! The greatest damage in my life so far, which is irreparable, is the dissociation with my father on account of his sudden unexpected demise! His love for me was unparalleled! I firmly believe that nobody can love me as he did!

Father’s Day to me is one of the most precious and auspicious days of my existence because I love my father to an indescribable degree, as he was the cause of my existence on the planet. He was the torch-bearer for me, who illuminated the values of philanthropy and the magic of thinking big in life. His noble teachings enabled me to stand against adverse circumstances and sustain the trials and tribulations patiently. The man who put me in the temper of spiralling thoughts; and imparted the spark of self-respect, innovative ideas, and a go-getter spirit, which have now become my attributes. His persuasive art of narration left an indelible impression on my character that further helped me in my personality development.

He was taciturn by orientation; used to speak less, but act more. His one word was symbolic for thousands of words. His gesture was a perfect pointer to learning what to eschew and what to assume. He always used to cite the examples of mediocrity as ‘middle road is the safest’. The credit for my being today in the face of hardships goes to his impeccable preaching and didactic tales that he used to tell when I was a lad of my doting dad. The testimony of his greatness lies in his fathomless respect for all great men of all ages under the sun, irrespective of caste, creed, boundary and region. He was a cosmopolitan by streak whose liberal thoughts delved deep, finding their genesis in humanity.

I have tried to capture my intuitive affection for my father in a few couplets. I owe these couplets a tribute to my late father on this Father’s Day! He left for his heavenly abode 4 years ago, leaving me alone without thinking about who will guide me whenever I encounter unforeseen situations! By the time he left me alone, I was not prepared to live without him! He left me stunned and lamented unrelentingly, perennially.

Click the link to go through my heartfelt poem dedicated to my dad. https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/my-didactic-dad/

Collage of my father’s journey to life at successive stages

Is death the end of life?

Life and death: A Puzzle

Death is a scary phrase, but an ultimate truth – no one will deny subconsciously! However, the bigger question is – does death end life? No, it is not; else, it has varied opinions! Someone believes, it is the deeds that determine whether one will be remembered or not; while others believe that the impacts you bring into other’s lives is something makes you eternal. There is no conclusive image in the mirror of life.

Life keeps moving at a faster pace every day. We’re always connected through our devices. There are constantly new ideas and e-mails and all sorts of things for us to follow and learn from. Somewhere in the mix of all this, however, we’ve began to struggle with finding meaning in life.

It’s great to improve ourselves, but we have to remember that we’re not doing this just for our own benefit. The impact we can have on the world is only as good as how much we influence the lives of others for the better. Improving yourself will give you happiness as you are helping others to improve too.

And you’ll be happier if you’re honest with yourself and others and learn how to maintain the right perspective about failure. When you fail to stick to your word, this is how others feel about you. It makes having a happy life really difficult when that’s what you’re known for. Which is why it’s so important to be honest with others.

Start by writing down the times that you lie throughout the day. Not only that but record when you make promises to help yourself keep them. Also, try committing to being 100% honest for an entire week. You’ll be surprised how hard it is to follow even the promises to yourself that nobody knows about. But you will quickly discover the power it has to make you happier, as well.

It’s equally important to recognize that you’re going to experience failure and difficulties in life. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be happy. Just look at all of the people whose illnesses have made them better people. History is replete with examples of the great men who endured different hardships before turning the corner.

Recognizing the hidden benefits of hardships is the first step to getting through them well. It’s also helpful to recognize when you’re apprehensive to do something because you’re afraid of failing. You never know what you can do until you try! Never give up trying for the fear of failing. Fear is nothing but a psychological barrier to start.

People will like you better if you focus more on what you can contribute than on what’s wrong in the world. Have you ever noticed how draining it is to be around someone who complains a lot? It’s hard not to get frustrated with things that bother us, but it’s an awful waste of our time and energy. Not to mention how unlikeable it makes us to others!

To get out of your negative mindset, just try to be a little more proactive. If you’re always complaining that you don’t have time, for instance, get up an hour earlier. Or maybe you’re constantly griping about the economy or climate change. Stop worrying about what’s wrong and look to what you can do to make things better for yourself and the world around you.

You’ll also find yourself living with more purpose and happiness if you choose your career wisely by focusing on the positive difference you can make in others’ lives. Making sure that you’ll have an impact for good is a simple way to guarantee fulfilment. Even if you’re already in your career, it’s not too late. Take some online classes, learn some new skills, and prepare yourself in other ways to make a better difference on the world in your career.

If you are committed to working for bringing change in the lives of the people to make this world worth-living, your life doesn’t end even after death. See the contribution of scientists whose inventions have impacted the lives of billions of people! They passed away centuries back but they are still remembered. Whenever we set to fly in an aeroplane, the image of Wright Brothers flashes in  our mind. They died centuries ago, but their lives haven’t been ended. Therefore, death doesn’t end life – this is eternal, and individuals’ deeds determine their destiny.


Of Gandhian Guru-Mantra of Non-violence

By Shahnawaz Ahmad Ansari

Extending tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 72nd Birth Anniversary

Reviving the most sought after Gandhian philosophy of non-violence on his 72nd death anniversary would be the real tribute to the naked fakir – the messenger of peace, in the troubled times, we have been passing through and replicating his Guru Mantra — non-violence — in all circumstances fitting formula in our lives to restore peace, harmony and amity in our society and the strength of tolerance to the nation, would add bountiful solace to his tormenting soul.

The ongoing hubbub over post CAA across the country, leading to dividing our society and disrupting the peace and amity do not sing anyway with the Gandhian philosophy and his prototype of ideal Indian society. Anything causing discrimination on the basis of religion can’t be a Gandhian model. He aspired to make such a society where everyone would be equal before the establishment and the law irrespective of one’s religion and belief, which is also the spirit of our constitution. 

We are into the difficult plank of time where our economy is passing through its tailspin phase. It’s surprising that nobody talks about the receding employment opportunities where youth are looking desperate after jobs as Indian is the youngest country now in the world, consisting over 70% population below 35 years. Other serious problems like the malnutrition, the suicide of farmers and thinning communal harmony with innumerable imminent problems seeming to emerge aggressively, are the escape of the radar as the establishment doesn’t look very much concerned on these issues. Antagonism, envy, and partiality on grounds of creed have literally reached its zenith on Indian social fabric. 

Friends! It’s gradually getting tough for us to tailor a tolerant and harmonious fabric that may tighten the loosening amity in our society, which will go a long way in realising the dream of the Ram-Rajya that the man of the last Millennium our own Mahatma Gandhi whom the world at large cherishes with honour and idiosyncrasy envisioned of. But what we should do. Do we have any choice? Of course, we do have. Either we can get away from the tough time and ride the storm or stay against the wave of hatred and advocate restoring the composite culture of India — ‘Unity in Diversity’ — the beauty of the Indian Republic that distinguishes her from the rest of the world, making her the ‘Vishwa-Guru’.

We need to restore mutual cooperation and trust amongst us irrespective of caste, creed or region, realising that we are Indian first who bear the identity of diverse oneness; otherwise, our succeeding generation will be vandalised inhaling the venom of disharmony and it would be difficult bouncing back towards communal harmony — one of the niche identities of India that establishes her a role-model before the international community would be near to impossible.

We need a ‘Social Army’ to curb this sort of ongoing nuisance and adverse stream emanating from across the society heading to weaken our country. In the ‘Social Army’ every citizen must be the soldier to crush the anti-social-national vibes. I earnestly appeal you all through my couplets to inculcate harmonious values in our children to bust the impending danger of disharmony looming across the latitudes & longitudes of INDIA. It’s time to awake and invalidate the hurriedly emerging social order reeling to tarnish the sanctity of our hard-held rare composite culture and communal harmony. If we are successful in doing so, this would be the real tribute to the father of the nation on his 72nd death anniversary.  

Now introspect with my couplets…

आओ चलें अब मिल्लत की ओर 

भारत है अपना क्या ही अनमोल…

आयोध्या, अजमेर छोड़ो अपने अपने 

देखो सिर्फ मुल्क की तरक्की के सपने…

हम तो हैं खालिस वतन के अपने 

अब दुनिया हमें जो कुछ भी समझे…

ये गंगा यमुना का संगम, इल्म व अदब का है मखज़न 

हिमालय है इसके सर पर, बुद्ध, ख्वाजा इसकी अज़मत…

हम सब हैं भारत के वासी, यही है हमारी साझी विरासत 

अमन, मोहब्बत व इंसानियत, हमें न चाहिये कोई रियासत…